Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries and the Blue Economy

Hon. Anthony Shamari Smith Jr.
Mr. Walter Christopher ( Agriculture, Fisheries )
Queen Elizabeth Highway
Contact - (268) 462-2574
Fax # - (268) 462-6104
Email - Walter Christopher
Mr. Robelto Isaac ( Lands, the Blue Economy )
Friars Hill Road
Contact - (268) 562 1790
Email - Robelto Isaac
- Ministry of Agriculture Headquarters
- Agriculture Development Corporation (ADC)
- Fisheries
- Antigua Fisheries Ltd.
- Food Production
- Animal Husbandry
- Veterinary Services
- Agricultural Extension Services
- Central Marketing Corporation (CMC)
- Chemistry and Food Technology Division
- Marine Resources
- Agro Industries
- Surveys
- Survey Office
- Lands
- The Blue Economy