27th January 2016
The innovative software, manages the myriad of operational duties, simultaneously, that ABTD is mandated to perform when protecting and enforcing the licensed use of spectrum across the nation. The integrated Telecommunications Management System (iTMS), is a crucial step forward. Mr. Daryl Jackson,
Telecommunications Consultant at ABTD stated that the “iTMS now provides one version of the truth” and is “customized for ABTD’s requirements”. Now the ABTD
has the most advanced software available for managing the unique and complex challenges faced by regulatory authorities in the Caribbean. Spectrum is the scarce resource that enables internet connectivity, mobile phones, aircraft and shipping communications plus broadcasters on AM, FM, and TV frequencies, along with a host of other telecommunications practices. The ABTD is responsible for managing all of the nation’s valuable spectrum resource, telecommunications licensing and the allocation of spectrum frequency.
Ms. Joan Joseph, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information, Broadcasting, Telecommunications, and Information Technology reviewed the system during the implementation with both the ABTD and PW Consulting project teams on Wednesday January 27th, 2016. The Canadian company, that built and installed the system celebrated the milestone in a typically Canadian ice hockey fashion when Ms. Joseph "dropped the puck" to symbolize the accomplishment.