Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation and Investments

Hon. Henry Charles 'Max' Fernandez
Ms. Sandra Joseph (Tourism, Investment )
New Govt Office Complex
Upstairs Ministry of education
Queen Elizabeth Highway
Contact - (268) 464-2953 / 464-4610
Fax - (268) 462-6398
Email - Sandra Joseph
Ms. Joan Joseph (Civil Aviation, Transportation )
APUA old Headqurters
Cassada Gardens
Contact - (268) 468-8506
Fax - (268) 468-8518
Email - Joan Joseph
- Ministry of Tourism Headquarters
- Ministry of Civil Aviation Headquarters
- Antigua and Barbuda Investment Authority
- Investment
- Antigua and Barbuda Airports Authority
- Meteorology
- Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority
- Overseas Tourism Offices
- Economic Development & National Economic & Social Council
- Deep Bay Development Corporation
- Antigua Isle Limited
- New Port (Antigua) Limited
- Antigua Pier Group Ltd.
- FCCA, CHTA, CTO & Yachting
- Beach Protection
- Small Business Development Centre SBDC
- Antigua and Barbuda Hospitality Training Institute (ABHTI)
- Vehicular Control
- Antigua and Barbuda Transport Board
- Dispatching Facilities